You can vote for all your values.
The American Solidarity Party seeks the common good, on common ground, through common sense.
The ASP offers something different. Instead of insecurity? Dignified work. Instead of consumerism? Citizenship. Instead of isolation? Community. Instead of hate? Solidarity.
For policy, this means we build an economy centered on the needs of healthy families and neighborhoods, not big corporations or faraway bureaucracies. It means we reform zoning, land use, infrastructure, immigration, voting rights, and police. It means we end the death penalty, euthanasia, torture, abortion, and forever wars. It means we ensure everyone has access to clean water and air, healthcare, housing, and a dignified way to earn a living.
The old parties have failed us. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Run for Office
Do you want to make a difference in your community and put your principles into practice in local government?
Run for office as an American Solidarity Party candidate!
Our Current Candidates
Local Chapters
Change starts in our own communities. The best way you can help spread the message of the American Solidarity Party is to connect with other local members, support our candidates, and share information about the party with your real-life and social media friends. Click on your state to learn about ASP activities in your area.
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We rely on your contributions to grow.
We aren’t bankrolled by shadowy big-time donors. Everything we do depends on the donations of regular people who believe in the potential of a political party based on finding common ground instead of division. The financial support of our members allows us to spread our policy message and support candidates.