American Solidarity Party

Run for Office

Common Good | Common Ground | Common Sense

Do you want to make a difference in your community and put your principles into practice in local government?

Run for office as an American Solidarity Party candidate!

Whether you’re actively planning to run for office or would like more information about what a run for office would take, we’re here to help.

Please fill out our brief application below and our candidate recruitment team will be in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our application is brief. We’d like to know if you’ve read and agree with our principles, whether you’ve decided what office you’d like to seek, what experience, if any, you’ve had running for office, and what skills or qualifications you bring to the table as a candidate.

    No previous experience running for office is required. We welcome first-time candidates and will help you develop the skills you need to run and win.

  • For a variety of strategic or personal reasons, some candidates may choose to run as a major party candidate. In the past, we have endorsed a small number of major party candidates whose values align with our own.

    That said, our strong preference is for candidates to run under the American Solidarity Party banner. We’re here to help you make that a viable alternative to running as a major party candidate.

    Whatever your decision in your race, if your values align with ours, we’d love to hear from you.

  • The American Solidarity Party is a grassroots party, so your application will be reviewed by leadership in your state. We also have a candidate recruitment team at the national level who assist our state leaders in identifying candidates.

  • If you still have questions or need to make any changes or additions to your existing application, please send them to

Apply to Become a Candidate

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