American Solidarity Party Chapters March for Life: Chicago

Chicago March For Life

By Amar Patel

In the process of making plans to attend the 2019 Chicago March for Life, I came across several events that occurred before and afterwards. The march was scheduled from two o’clock to four o’clock in the afternoon starting at Federal Plaza in the heart of the downtown area. Part of me wanted to go to church at Holy Name Cathedral, but examining the map I realized this would require me to figure out parking twice, and I really dislike that process in the city. As luck would have it, I stumbled across a Mass and follow-up brunch hosted by Aid for Women, a local crisis pregnancy support center. The presider was the Rev. Francis “Rocky” Hoffman, who has counseled me in past endeavors, so I thought it was a great chance to see him, help the center in its fundraiser, and not have to rush from my own church to get downtown before the march. Little did I know how many connections I would make.

First, I re-introduced myself to Father Rocky and updated him on my current endeavors in the ASP. He said he would pray for me and insisted that I meet Rep. Dan Lipinski of rare elected pro-life Democrat fame. I met with the congressman and his wife, and he took my card. He was open to future dialogue. I hope to speak to him in the near future.

Then, I spoke to Ryan Bomberger, who delivered the keynote address at the brunch and a speech at the March for Life rally only a few hours later. Ryan is the founder of the Radiance Foundation, a pro-life advocacy group. He gave me permission to share his infographics as necessary to help end the scourge of abortion. He also indicated an interest in the party

.Finally, I had a brief chat with Sheila Liaugminas of Relevant Radio. She was interested in Christian Democracy and a party with roots in Catholic Social Teaching. She told me she had just mentioned to someone at brunch about a truly pro-life party. We hoped to connect soon.

After that, ASP Vice-Treasurer, Tai-Chi Kuo, his fiancée, and I met up and went to listen to some stirring speeches at the march. A woman with the daughter she saved with the help of Aid For Women, a Chicago Bears executive, and Jeanne Mancini, March for Life President, were some of the many orators we heard.

The Chicago March was not very long and didn’t have many pro-choice protesters, so the walk was uneventful except for the great luck of having John Hogue, a young ASP member, spot our signs and excitedly join us for the brief jaunt. I enjoyed talking to him and planning future events at the Catholic Worker House where he lives and works. It was a blessed day.

American Solidarity Party

We are a party that seeks the common good, on common ground, through common sense. We believe in the sanctity of human life, the necessity of social justice, our responsibility to care for the environment, and promotion of a more peaceful world. We cherish the individual rights and separation of government powers protected by the U.S. Constitution, and recognize the need for social supports and community cohesion. We seek to bridge the bitter partisan divide with principled and respectful policies and dialog.


American Solidarity Party Chapters March for Life: LA


American Solidarity Party Chapters March for Life: DC