Why Christian Democracy and the American Solidarity Party are Best for America

This is the final installment of a four part series on Christian Democracy offered by Brett Manero…

John Adams famously explained that the new American Republic could only survive with a religious and moral populace.  From religion comes moral truth, and without such moral truth, a nation will fall apart. This is not to say that non-religious people cannot embrace morality, as natural law is written on the hearts of all people, both religious and non-religious. But from the Judeo-Christian faith comes moral guidance that brings nations even greater places.

Adams explained: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” This is a remarkable statement from the second President of the United States: democracy is in danger of collapse without a moral core. Hence, Adams is telling us that not only is democracy the right path for America, but Christian democracy especially.  

Perhaps a major reason for the prosperity of the United States has been its roots in the Judeo-Christian faith. One can also point to the American work ethic, its relative safety from foreign invasion, and other factors that have contributed to the prosperity of America. But there can be no doubt that America’s roots in biblical truths have also played a major role. The very Declaration of Independence references the Divine Creator who gave all people the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Therefore, America will be better prepared to thrive when it is one nation under God.

But what happens to a Christian democracy when its major political parties increasingly fail to adhere to Judeo-Christian truths? What happens when voters are increasingly faced with poor options of parties to support? This is precisely the position our country is currently in. The two-party system has dominated American politics for generations, and one only needs to read the news to see how ineffective it has become. For the pro-life American who is dissatisfied with both the Democrats and the Republicans, what is the best option to avoid choosing the lesser of two evils?

Pope St. John Paul II wrote: “The truth is not always the same as the majority decision.”  Hence, democracy only serves the common good when it is rooted in truth. It is no secret that both the Democratic and the Republican parties have increasingly fallen away from such truths. This is precisely why the American Solidarity Party represents something new, something fresh, and something wonderfully true for the American people.  

Here are critical reasons for why the ASP is the best option for our nation.

The ASP represents a balance of both right and left. From life and family issues to the environment and to economics, the core principles of the ASP can find supporters from both the right and left. Citizens from all sides of the political spectrum can find a purpose in the ASP.

The ASP is consistently pro-life. The Democratic Party has increasingly embraced a platform that is shockingly anti-life. With the exception of Pro-Life Democrats, the Party has gone to horrific extremes in the areas of abortion and euthanasia, for example. The party that once supported abortion in “safe, legal, and rare” circumstances now embraces a radical platform of abortion at all stages. The Republican Party has historically been pro-life with regards to abortion, and many Republican leaders have bravely embraced the pro-life cause. In recent years, however, it has also moved away from its defense of life. Likewise, it has also supported capital punishment, undermining its pro-life platform. The American Solidarity Party remains unapologetically committed to the protection of human life at all stages, for the unborn as well as for the elderly.  This commitment will never be abandoned by the Party.  

The ASP recognizes social justice as an integral part of a successful nation. Like the Prophets Amos and Isaiah, who emphasized the importance of a just society to ancient Israel and Judah, we recognize that both our religious and political principles must be put into practice on a social level. In other words, our worship of God should naturally lead to the love of our neighbor, and our patriotism and loyalty to our nation should lead to the just treatment of our fellow citizens.

The ASP recognizes the family as the center of society. The Church likewise regards the family as the center of human life and the first government. This is why family is greater than government:  a child is born into a family, not into the government. The ASP supports policies that can benefit and support the family. The stronger a family is, the stronger the nation.

The ASP recognizes that the two-party system is broken. The current two-party system has dominated American politics for far too long. The Republican and Democratic Parties have been the leading two parties since the 1850’s. In other words, since just before the Civil War. Tension between the two major parties has increasingly led to a paralysis of leadership in America, something which our country cannot afford. We need a party that does not change its view of truth and which can be relied upon by the American people.

The ASP is uncompromising in its positions. Perhaps because our party is small, we have nothing to lose. And if we have nothing to lose, then why not stand up for the truth? And if we believe the ASP stands for the truth, then it is pointless to abandon that truth. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

Some will ask, is a vote for the American Solidarity Party a wasted vote? I would say: no vote for truth and freedom is a wasted vote. For far too long, Americans have had only two viable options when it comes to whom they vote for. This system has lasted for too long, and is leading to devastating effects for our nation. In order to challenge the status quo with something so much more promising, we must not be afraid to vote our consciences by supporting the American Solidarity Party, rather than continuing to vote for parties that disappoint us.

2024 is a major election year. The rhetoric and heat are starting to turn up and will only increase as we approach November. Let us not be afraid to stand up for the American Solidarity Party which consistently stands for truth, and this truth has long benefitted the peace and prosperity of the United States and the entire world.

Brett Manero

Brett Manero is a teacher for the Lay Division at St. John Vianney Catholic Seminary in Denver, Colorado. Born and raised in Connecticut, he studied at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and at Christendom College in Virginia. He enjoys discussing theology, history, film, and always enjoys a good brewery and good humor. 


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