Why I Joined the ASP
As November 2024 approached, I found myself asking: Do I vote against a candidate again? NO. I finally tired of choosing between two candidates, neither of whom I could totally support. Sadly, this is how I have voted for the past several decades. “Several” decades? I may now give away my age. I am one of the younger Vietnam-Era Air Force veterans. So that I don’t end up writing a novel, I will concentrate on the two issues that are most important to me: the rights of the unborn and wildlife protection.
Neither major party fits all of my beliefs and values. One fights for the right of the unborn to life, but seems to be generally unconcerned about the welfare of our natural environment and wildlife. The opposite seems to be the agenda of the other major party. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for the murder of human persons who are totally vulnerable, trapped in the womb and completely voiceless. News flash: the baby’s body is not the woman’s body. It has a separate life, separate personhood, a separate personality. And what of the rights of the father of the baby? So I usually voted for prioritizing life over wildlife.
Several administrations ago, I began researching third parties. Some I immediately eliminated. Two I felt like I could back. The American Solidarity Party platform is nearly a perfect fit for my values and beliefs. I had never officially joined a political party until several years ago when I became a member of the ASP.
Despite my revulsion at voting for one of the two major candidates, it still took me a few elections to not cave to the oft-repeated propaganda that a vote for a third party candidate is a wasted vote—that it is actually giving a vote to or taking a vote away from one of the main candidates. It took me decades to stop choosing the lesser of two evils.
This year I could not again, in good conscience, vote for a candidate who is 1000% for killing babies and who wants to take away our First Amendment right to religious freedom—the right to follow our consciences in refusing to perform, assist with, or support abortion. This year, my husband and I decided to actually vote for candidates whom we could back, candidates who adhere to our values. My conscience felt free for the first time in decades.
May God abundantly help and bless the American Solidarity Party as we strive to bring back the moral fiber of our great nation.